ncu talkI am liking it all. Should be an update soon that mill is running steadystate at nameplate production.
The new ug mine of pure gold at red lake ontario, had poor management and went bankrupt, leaving over 150 million of unpaid bills.
The premiur mine in north west b.c needed another 72 million and half a year to get mill started. There bills are all paid.
Ncu bills are all paid and generating positive cash flow. Unbelievable that total debt plus mc is under 500 million. And a large fully permited high grade open pit right next to the ug.
As some noted on here. Sp hit 10 point 5 cad all time low. Since then it has gained 20%. More interestingly, the close bids are growing and the asks have all but disapeared.
Of course, if fluff is somehow wrong, some will for some reason rejoice. If fluff is correct, some silent ones will secretly rejoice or come out of hiding.
Fluff has nothing for sale:))
Happy guessing.