Demand for EV’s Is a concern I have. I maybe wrong but all the Teslas that lost power in Chicago when the temperature dipped to minus 30F, in Alberta the power company told EV owners to avoid charging their batteries over night. Should I be concerned about these things or am I being an alarmist for nothing?
Also the lack of charging stations and the fact that through the USA many charging stations are faulty and in cold weather some froze up.
as to NGC management hard to argue with some of the comments.
I have decided to give them to March 31 to see if they can pull a rabbit out of the hat.
as to posters who continually complain post after post I hear you and with all do respect I do not need to continually hear it but that is certainly your right to complain.
one of us is going to look stupid come March 31, if it happens to be me it will not be the first time in my life.