Investor Relations like it’s 1984 I just read a funny post on twitter about pushing a message like it's 2024 not 1984... So true!
That explains everything from this Investor Relations nightmare!
Cutting Edge Investor Relations 1984
- Newspaper Articles
- Investor Letters mailed out
- Magazine Articles
The investor information turn around time back then was probably 4 weeks to 4 months and people took their time because the technology of the time was limited. The exchange of information and response from the public and investor was equally limited. Investors had go in to see their broker, chisel some kind of order on stone and have it taken into the brokerage house for execution.
TODAY we have instant information at our finger tips. We can all buy sell seconds after or while we receive information from unlimited sources.
And yet, Northerns IR team looks to be stuck in 1984. Their idea of communication is to put out general information every once in a while. The twitter page is a complete IR disaster as people are responding to posts by the company, but there's NO ONE from the company responding back!! They are treating it like a roadside billboard to push out information forgetting that's it's a two way communication. No one answers the questions , most likely from investors. No one.
I don't know much about Pav Jordan, the IR person for Northern. I see his name and title on the NGCs site and related communications as the VP of communications. But based on what I've seen since he was hired almost 1 year ago is that he is closer to the IR person from 1984 than 2024.
Why you say? Well, here are some hits from the past year:
1. Podcasts with Hugues made from several people's basement that my kid could have done.
2. A complete failure to use Twitter as a two communications tool.
3. Using LinkedIn as an IR tool. (Tip - penny stock retail investors aren't in LinkedIn, they are here at stock house)
4. Watching the stock price tank day after day and saying nothing. I'm expecting my hand typed letter to arrive any day with an update from the company. The post is very slow)
5. In ONE year of being paid, the company sets a Investors call that is just a tone deaf promo for how wonderful the future looks without actually talking about what really matters, that the company has destroyed the value of the company dropping the share price from 60-70 cents to 18 cents.
What does the "Full Time" IR person do all day?
What are two IR companies doing for NGC all day?
What exactly does Mr. Jordan do all day?
If Mr Jordan is reading this, maybe he can join us in 2024 and explain here on this forum what he does all day. And maybe, just maybe interact with shareholders, like it's 2024.
If not, Let's discuss anyways!