Fobi's tech stackI have seen some comments in other boards talking about Fobi tech stack and attempting to diminish its value. I do not post to these other boards but I know that many here read those posts. Therefore, I'll provide my 2 cents here and of course this is only my opinion...
First of all, there is no way to demonstrate the value of Fobi's tech to posters that in many cases do not have a tech background or that do not care (in many cases bacause anything that will make Fobi look bad plays into their agenda).
The technology field is huge and there are many ways to get something to work using different tools (progtamming languages, packaged software, etc). I have some background in programing and software design including data analytics and real time data processing.
Passcreator: Listening to David talking about the tools they have been using (and when he started using those tools relative to when those tools became available in the market) I see that Passcreator/David have been pioneers in the adoption of these tools. They have adopted these new tools and have created something that is unique to this company,
David's team releases improvements almost on a monthly basis. This is unique!... We have a very small development team that continues to improve a leading application in a new/huge market while at the same time they continue to sign contracts with all kind of companies. These companies not only have validated the product but also know that the service being provided is worth paying for...consider that many of these companies have huge IT groups and still prefer to pay for this instead of doing it by themselves.
Here are a couple of videos. I encourage you to listen and do some research about the tools mentioned in them
1) ~ 6 years ago - A little bit of history:
Passcreator: our journey to the cloud 2) from 2020
Case Study: Passcreator - David Sporer | Neos Con 2020 This gives me great confidence in the tech stack we have related to pass wallets.
QPles: In the case of QPles I have not done mucg research but I see some encouraging signs. When it comes to the new 8112 standard I see QPles as one of the first companies supporting it and a leader in educating/pushing the market for the addoption of this standard. Again, I see huge comapnies like Vericast and Catalina leaning on QPles expertise.
When it comes to Fobi, it not only covers both Passcreator and QPles but also has the analytical engine capable of analysing all these transactions in real time and providing valuable insigths based on all the data being produced. This is not a small task.
Based on the high level points above and some additional DD I have done, I am very confident in the overall Fobi's tech stack.
All we need now are solid deals (no more PuleIR or Devworks deals. Please keep those to yourself) that will make this company CF+