Elbow Central Zone: The Golden Nexus of Magino & Island Gold The company is drilling 75,000 meters, including 63,000 meters in the Elbow Central zone. Preliminary work identified 1.8 to 2.5 million tonnes at gold grades ranging from 6 to 7 g/t for 400,000 to 500,000 gold ounces. CEO Richard Young recently stated that he believe the company can convert 2 million out of the 3 million ounces of gold that sit within the pit but outside of the current reserve. Deepest drill hole (MA21-085) in this zone intercepted 7.0 meters of 8.8 g/t AU, including 2 meters of 24.7 g/t AU.
As you can see from the image, the Historic Undeground Workings (baby blue line above reserve pit outline) is located in the Elbow Central zone. Historic production included a total average of 803,130.99 tonnes of ore was milled with a grade of 4.42 g/t, resulting in a total of 114,010.00 ounces of gold.
Island Gold is adhesive to Magino Gold. As you can see from the image, Island Gold mine deposit also includes discoveries from the Elbow Central zone. Alamos Gold has discovered a total of 892,000 tonnes at 15.83 g/t for 454,300 gold ounces in the Elbow Central zone. Another detail to emphasize is 'claim boundaries', on the left side of the boundaries (Magino Gold) the green dots represent drill holes that intercepted 4.0 - 10.0 g/t AU.