DHS & Safety Act for MLB, NFL & NBAFirstly, Golden, good pull on the Alpha Wolf NBA info. That sound bite makes it pretty clear cut to me. We are good to go with NBA teams. I think we are all consuming so much info on XTRA that it gets tough to remember it all. Having said that, and as Nightstocker has said a few times (and I agree), there is no doubt that teams would want the additional liability coverage that is available from having DHS Desigation or Certififation (see more on that below).
The info on the first link below is quite dated (2017), but there is nothing more current available on the DHS site and I cannot find anything that specifically states that DHS Desigation or Cerification is mandatory for a security screening solution at a Pro sports venue. But via DHS approval, seems to come inclusion in the Safety Act which specifically states that the Act provides legal liability protections, which any billionaire Pro sports team owner would surely want to have in the background for their chosen weapons screening tool.
Based on today's Alfa Wolf video, it sounds like they've had A LOT of CSO tire kickers from the NBA and hopefully many of them are ready to puill the trigger as soon as the DHS Designation is in place.
If nothing is announced prior to the Q2 call, I really think every single one of us needs to submit the same question prior to the Q2 call....When is DHS Desigation going to be in place? Peter has been talking about it for 3 or 4 quarterly calls now. It cannot take this long. Where are they in the process and why so much delay???
Anyway, links you may wish to have a peek at below...