Nothing like watchng a bunch of whiners on Stockhouse complain who don't propose a viable alternative after Ronnie Miller has evaluated the alternatives and is "thrilled" about this daisy chain!
AEZS's diagnostic test clinical trial results for children
Launch of powder formulations of CZO's two active ingredients(beta glucan, avenanthramide)
CZO's main client returns
AEZS's diagnostic continuing roll-out for adults
FDA approval for the test for children
Licensing deal for the diagnostic test for North America
Commissioning of 5X PGX scale-up
Commissioning of 10X scale-up to decision point for mass industrialization of PGX
PGX licensing deal
Immune booster plant
Phase I avenanthramide clinical trial results
Wound healing results
Wound healing partnership
Fibrosis clinical trial 'go'/'no go' decision and regulatory filing
Phase IIa avenanthramide clinical trial results
Avenanthramide pill partnership
AIM Biologicals 'go'/'no go' clinical trial decision