RE:RE:5.4 million ounces of gold next to Detour mine on a postage History lesson. 6 years ago Marz Kord then CEO of Wallbridge bought Balmoral under Anthony Makuch's nose when as CEO of Kirkland Lake and of course the DETOUR mine when he ridiculously underbid Wallbridge . In Nov. 2020 as a member of our? WALLBRIDGE's board Anthony Makuch then approved a joint venture DETOUR EAST with Kirkland Lake. The market and I smelled a rat after reading the details of that giveaway Joint Venture and Wallbridge began selling off from $1.25 to 8 cents during a 38 MONTH BROKER BASHER price suppression ACCUMULATION ATTACK on RETAIL SHAREHOLDERS. A year after Detour East Anthony Makuch merged Kirkland Lake with Sean Boyd's Agnico. Shortly after Anthony Makuch became CEO of this combined entity now called Agnico ? for a blink in time before being resigned for unclear reasons by Sean Boyd. Now he is chairman of our Board and Marz Kord has been replaced as CEO by Brian Penny. You can't make this stuff up!!! ONLY ERIC SPROTT remains and in the long run NOTHING HAPPENS WITHOUT HIS BLESSING. I repeat that there is no logical reason for ALL Wallbridge investors to NOT have a NSR beside DETOUR EAST in order to immediately Quadruple our market cap and share price. GLTAL REAL REMAINING RETAIL WALLBRIDGE INVESTORS AND ERIC SPROTT.