Re: Interesting quoteOnce again proph in your grossly misguided attempt to show how compentent gagnon, you have validate what the majority believe, that gagnon is a failure who does not have the ability to lead this company to the level it can be.
First of all, the quote by Greene is pure garbage "In the end, the money and success that truly last come not to those who focus on such things as goals, but rather to those who focus on mastery and fulfilling their Life’s Task." You cannot achieve success without setting short term and long term goals, PERIOD, withouts goals you have no path forward. Businesses without goals,will struggle with direction, focus, decision making and resource allocation. This will hinder growth, performance and over all success. That statement describes Ceapro to a T. Unfortunately this is not something new and is taught in school, business. sports etc. and is a prime example of why gagnon has failed and will continue to fail.
Some people here focus on the bouncy ball of stock price that can fluctuate all over the place because of circumstances beyond our control. First of all, the stock is not fluctuating is is free falling, big difference. Second a CEO or any employees who uses the term "BEYOND OUR CONTROL" is a loser, que gagnon, and instead of accepting responsibility for a sinking ship he blames others. He is the one that has set time lines and failed to meet, he is the one who hired his friends at great expense with no tanigible results, he is the one who signed a long term with Symrise, now a major competitor, and so on while never looking to expand the customer base and product line, he is the one the over produced while now we have $5,000,000.00 dollars of product rotting on the shelves and no hope of sellingm, he is the one that interferred with the trail at the Montreal Heart Institue and caused the trial to fail setting back any hope of success by years, he is the one who has been unable to get private funding or a viable/reputable backer, and the list goes on and on and on.
Gilles is focused on his life task - building a long-term, sustainable pharma company. He's now positioned CZO's pipeline before key events and the merger provides the capital and resources necessary on NASDAQ. Wow focus, that is the biggest joke, gagnon has never been able to focus, he is all over the place chasing the shiny object in the field from one to another. He has never been able to deliver on this anything in the make believe pipeline, nothing, the only thing is the pipeline is a light and that light is on a train heading straight for Ceapro. Aezs if the merger does not happen with lose it's Nasdaq listing soon, if they do merge, the new company will lose it listing even sooner, and at what expense? Hell gagnon can't get people interested on the TSX, and now he wants to display his ineptness of the Nasdaq,at what cost $$$$$?
The Canadian government has even provided significant funding over time. Even the Canadian government, the one who has wasted million, billions, has realized gagnon is a charlatan and the well has run dry. In actual fact, no one is willing to give gagnon money, the reason now we are doomed with this scam merger