Hey PGstockPgstock, in regards to your Jan 30 post that this is recycled news. Yes, in a way but not quite and there are some nuances to note. You are absolutely correct in regards to any dead weight should be dropped, but I want to make something clear here so there no misconceptions of what is going on: FPI and Captain Jonathan created tremendous momentum in a very short period of time and previous videos I posted show that. Upper management of Star felt it was not necessary to renew the FPI agreement to allow them to close those deals/LOIs that we all heard about. It was decided that Star can close those deals on their own, and there was no need for FlightPath and Captain Jonathan. Well, 10 months went by with total silence from Star as we have all seen. I totally agree to bring back FlightPath and I dont say that lightly. Look at What FlightPath has accomplished in Africa with all their business over the past 20 years. (A little research required.) Since the PR of last week, Captian Jonathan is already back in Africa to reactivate some of those lost opportunities. I have faith that we will hear good news of at least progress and soon. Another interesting point in the NR is that costs will be shared. In other words FlightPath would have to be pretty confident to spend money whereas previously Star was footing the bill. What I see is a renegotiated contract that in my opinion will produce those sales that we all heard about and its high time we did. There is a saying that starting something fresh is not failure but approaching the situation with experience. FPI has a proven track record for 20 years in the aviation industry. I think this latest PR without saying it is clarifying that if left unfettered that they can accomplish what is necessary. They are putting their own finances on the line and obviously the reward for success would also be greater. This is why Anoop on the PR is not CEO but on product development only, so new President Andrew Lucas an Executive VP Capt Jonathan can concentrate on Aviation sales without interference It seems the Star Board stepped in to bring Flightpath back and the opportunity to finalize the sales they worked on, this will be good for investors going frwd.