Long list of companies the same as Optimi
Here is a small list of public companies that do the same thing or similar as Optimi Health along with earnings dates. There are probably another 50-100 private companies on top of this list. As for companies with mushroom farms, there are 10's of hundreds of chicken farms who have converted to mushroom farming many who can switch to psilicybin at the flick of a switch ( just different spores plus an easy to get license) . I'd bet pretty much every company on this list losing money month after month like Optimi does.
Fianlly, lookig at the order book on OPTI I see the offerings are now huge around the .34 to .35 cent mark. To me it illistrates that we are very close to a stock issue at much lower prices. Could be as early as tonight IMHO. In the meantime the same small family offices keep trying to desperately hole the bid up. Fools IMHO. They get what's coming to them. I'll be back to tell you I told you so in a few days.