This gets me thinking… Listening to you good people talk about valuations and our place in the project progression.
If you think real big picture, Tim and company started way back when. They dig, they get cores grades, values get put on the resource and company. That all ebbs and flows, but theoretically this all works to getting a mining licence, building a mine, digging up stuff, selling the stuff, making money and seeing share price reflect the stage we are in. Of course the valuations are really fair for when the money is injected, but c'est la vie.
So B1 has done all the costly exploration, paid for 2 of 3 steps of the mining licencing process, and here we sit, .09 garbage cents or a $17M market cap. (How do you a make a sucky disappointment sound?)
The nice thing, we've painfully paid for the second step of the mining licence already. This is a huge point! We absolutely need to get this step's work submitted and see how the market takes the news. Ultimately we long suffering shareholders that have paid for everything to date should get to see what this baby is worth after Step 2 is granted. Unless Tim thinks it's a real gamble as to whether we are going to receive it, it wouldn't be prudent to partner before. We don't need 20 million euros now. That's Tim taking the easy way out. What we need is enough money to stay afloat until Step 2 should be decided. I haven't looked at what we need, Tim would have to tell us, but if they battened down the hatches, a few hundred grand should cover it.
You submit that batch of paper and you give the loyal shareholders a chance to cash in or keep going at that point.
To stall the project at this point is absolute heresy. Unless there is a need for the cash to submit (if so they need to raise funds already, stupid if they waited this long), or they are waiting on something out of their control (ok, what can you do??)or completing work still(sloppy as F, this should have been done), then rattle off a quick PP now. Really, this stuff should have been submitted already, and it should be done first. Then, give shareholder an opportunity to buy a PP.
Waiting on those warrants, not a terrible idea to give those supporter a shot, but to have to wait 5 weeks to start up again?! It is beyond stupid! Let this warrant holders buy and 9 cent PP with warrants, and their crappy current warrants might still pay off for them.
Good lord, what a lazy stupid move at this point. Sorry, I call them as I see them.
All we need for money, approx a million and a half to keep the offices going, and cover overhead. But just do them as you need it. See what the F'ing news brings us in value and then do a PP. If we get Step 2 done and given to us, the share price has to double, doesn't it?? If our current market cap is $17M, and our share price only goes from .09 to .12, that a 33% increase. You know what you can do with $5.6M, (33% of $17M), pay for a costly 3rd step and keep the lights on for another year, maybe even drill a few holes. More realistically, we would see at least .25/share after Step 2 and mining licence given. Wouldn't we??
I'm sure Tim and Blake are real sick of doing PP's, (and let's be real, that's Blake's job), and I get it. It must suck! But you know what, it's a pretty easy job beyond that. Do you think Tim works hard? He has 2 f'ing jobs!!
People, I emplore you, we do not need Osmose or anyone at this point. We need a few timely PP's to keep us going and to pay for Step 3. But valuations should start moving up exponentially, and warrants can be redeemed, and off takers will come forward, and potential partners will fight be get in. A pipe dream you say?? Not if we have a flipping Mining Licence it won't be!!
Get this Step 2 work in! If not too late, get a PP started if you have to. The work needs to get done quickly. That is what was so frustrating last year. We had write like 30 million share to f'ing wait!
-Step 2 documents submitted- .15/share
-Step 2 and Mining Licence granted- ..50/share plus??
-Step 3 Completed in a year, and the ability to invest $60M to reap $100M CAD/year, that is say $100/300 shares?? .33/share?? $3.33/share
-drill 30 quality holes over next 2 years, double the resource- $3.33 x 2= $6.67 (neighbor of the beast)
-Boron prices go up 10%- $7.50/share
Ok Tim, it's a crucial moment. We can't wait on your snail routine. Crack the whip and tell us what you need. You need some money? You need some lobbying? Go out and get it. In a year we should be at a buck and cruising. Nothing but paperwork to be done!
Give me a call Tim. I will work for nothing. I'm good at selling.
Tell me what you think fellow investors. Am I crazy? Do we need to give away our value at this point?!
What we need is to get the work done! Get the documents submitted! Now! (I mean if possible of course)