RE:Klein is fishing for half-witts The deals were based on much higher evaluations and Canopy has poor credit rating ... So exactly will the company get allllllllllllllllll this MEGA CASH ???
The American endeavours will be extremely painful to current shareholders at an EXTREMELY DULUTIVE rate which DEVALUTES Canopy's buying power ...
What are the odds of achieving this goal ??? Slim to NONE !!!
Leaving the shareholder holding the bag on a deal gone wrong and those on the top gone with the wind and unscathed...
BEWARE OF BANKRUPTCY and the general retail investor LOSING a their shirt ... The company has not provided the who what where how etc of any particulars of bottom line except pimping over and over again their hypothetical business model without real current audits !!!
Another Canopy ride with Klein giving an interview saying ahhhhhhhh duhhhhhhhh 50 billion over and over without providing substance or proof ? Klein say we bought but in reality they HAVEN'T paid for any of these companies ??? Only a down payment ? So exactly whom is he trying to fool ?
Notice the question " David are you buying into shares of Canopy ? " but he EVADES answering ? Cause the reality is NO !!!
Notice the biggest cheerleaders can't come to.his defense ??? Disastrous and more meaningless statements made public !!!