Everyone ready????????In the news today alone...alas....it IS a done deal. I like the piece in the Boston Globe....lot of stock market money reading that today.
Hundreds of pages of recently released documents provided by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) affirm what the overwhelming majority of the public has known for decades:
Marijuana possesses therapeutic efficacy and its harms are not on par with those of heroin, or even alcohol.
Those were the explicit conclusions of the nation’s top federal health agency, along with the Food and Drug Administration and the National Institute on Drug Abuse, in a letter to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) calling on the agency to remove “botanical cannabis” from its Schedule I prohibitive status in the federal Controlled Substances Act.
2) From the Boston Globe....
Let’s stop treating pot like heroin
New federal study on its medical potential could lead the DEA to approve reclassification of the once ‘evil weed.’
3) Moving Marijuana To Schedule III Would Not Violate International Treaties, Legal Opinion Says