This is a unique moment...This is a unique moment when so much is known behind closed doors. Ronnie Miller is "thrilled" with Gilles in the catbird seat of both companies. What do they know? They want CZO on NASDAQ. Why? Bad news? A deal on AEZS's diagnostic is expected. CZO has had discussions with serious potential partners concerning PGX as of the AGM. We've never seen data for CZO's avenanthramide pill and soon we could get human data. It wouldn't surprise me if the single ascending dose portion of the trial is completed this month. From no data to human data? More data will be needed however. AEZS also appears near a go decision for one or more pipeline programs. What is the program for significant growth that AEZS's capital is expected to fuel? We haven't seen the plan. This situation is a mystery in an off-the-radar company with a retail shareholder base. Yet, so much is known inside.