RE:OptionsDo not agree. Marinoccio should have kept at least part of his shares after he exercised his options. What kind of signal does it send when an insider sells all of the shares he has acquired through options at almost the lowest price in the last few years when management jawbones that everything is packaged for the financing we turkeys have been waiting for the last 12 months? I do not care about the financials for the company, i care about the optics for those of us who are not insiders or large institutional investors in the company. IMHO, it shows lack of confidence from management on their ability to execute. I have a lot of admiration for Soroush, not so for the board( Gascon has been a disaster for Mason Graphite), and i have less and less confidence for those who surround the CEO. But i keep what is left of my position in the company. Hope IS my strategy concerning that particular stock, because i love what graphene can do. Fingers crossed.