Freeze And place Into Escrow The Remainiing Cash On Hand . .Keep them away from the remaining cash on hand!
Keep them from attempting to issue any equities based compensation and or cash based awars to one another!
Mr. Fahad Al Tamimi and his hand picked gaggle of officers and directors have miserably failed Mason Graphite/ Mason Resources Inc equities investors.
That greedy little kumquat and his fellow officers and directors have no strategic business development investment plan to pursue and they simply can not be trusted to attempt to develop any form of strategic business development investment plan going forward.
After the 100% sale of the Lac gueret asset, at this point, they are all as useless as mammaries on a bull.
They do absolutely nothing to warrant their being far too highly compensated and are, in my opinion, therefore currently defrauding LLG.V "minority" equities investors of what is rightfully ours.
Mr. Fahad Al Tamimi and the entire executive body should immediately be terminated with cause and have their previously awarded additional equities based compensation and their respective salaries disgorged.
They shouldn't last beyond the proxy battle which is likely brewing.
- All those NOU.V shares should be placed with a trustee and held in escrow pending their disposition at a predetermined NOU.V share price point and in a predetermined and prescribed manner.
- The Black Swan Graphene equities should be treated likewise and this company should be immediately wound down, beginning with the en mass termination, with cause, of the entire executive suite representatives and all but 3 independent BOD representatives who are to be elected solely by the LLG.V "minority" equities investors during a special meeting of Mason Resources shareholders.
It would be only after the appointment, as prescribed, of the 3 actually independent BOD representatives that the process of determining the exact share price point for both the liquidation of that tranche of NOU.V shares and the entirety of the equity position held by the company in Black Swan Graphene would commence.
- The remaining cash on hand needs to be immediately frozen and kept away from Mr. Fahad Al Tamimi and the rest of this current C-suite executive and should also be placed into escrow pending the final outcome resulting from the election process previously described.
- No additional equities based compensation awards are to be issued and all plans and capabilities supporting any further issuance of equities or cash based additional employment compensation or compensation in any form must be immediately terminated.
- All previous issuance of equities based compensation and/or any other form of compensatory awards need to be thoroughly review by the to be elected 3 independent directors and if found necessary, such sums of monies and any other forms of equities or cash based compensation awards should be disgorged and be restituted to the company.
The jig is up Mr. Fhad Al Tamimi et al.
You've been exposed.