You stated "his sales did not have any impact on the financial position of the company."
Obviously you mean his sales did not presently negatively impact the financial position of the company.
Although previously, when those option were placed aside for issuance to insiders, NanoXplore's balance sheet certainly experienced the adjustment and we NanoXplore "minority" equities investors experienced dilution to our respective equity investment position values. Dilution is dilution and it impacts investors sooner and later.
That's correct Will101. It's all about the optics which should be very concerning for any NanoXplore "minority" equities investors.
You stated "He is a member of top management and sells at one of the lowest price in the last 5 years, while company IR tells us great news are coming soon for VoltaXplore, wich is THE news that will move the scale and stock price for GRA."
At this point you can't fault me for considering that the only news NanoXplore "minority" equities investors are going to be receiving quite soon is the news of a immensely dilutive $150 Million equity financing initiative being undertaken at a $2.00 per share price point.
That $150 Million equity offering is likely what RBC equities analysts have been salting the clouds with for the longest while. It's most likely the reason why said outfit recently initiated coverage of NanoXplore and would also be the very reason why NanoXplore's share price simply isn't being allowed to rid itself of this seemingly godforsaken $2.00 share price handle.
As I said before, it wouldn't be the fist time a company founder and CEO lied to me regarding a company not contemplating nor preparing for a masive materially dilutive $150 Million equity offering.
You went on to state "I believe that the industrial graphene part of the business does not justify the current stock price/market cap, so it is imperative that news about Volta soon emerges."
I don't agree with your assertion being that NanoXplore does not deserve the current technologies company premium being applied to the overall valuation of this NanoXplore enterprise; and yet, my disagreeing is not going to prevent much more knowledgeable equities analysts than myself from taking a hatchet to their own NanoXplore share price projections going forward.
Without the technolgies company premium somehow being applied to the overall valuation of this NanoXplore enterprise, NanoXplore's share price could be quite pejoratively impacted by the majority of equities analysts resulting revaluations of this overall NanoXplore enterprise and thier respective greatly lowered projected NanoXplore share price.
It doesn't matter anymore that news about VoltaXplore soon emerges Will101.
Mr. Market is getting over all the hype about NanoXplore and the VoltaXplore enterprise and the recent shenanigans sure as sugar did not help to keep Mr. Market anymore interested.
If Mr. Rocco Marinaccio believed anything at all was soon going to drive the NanoXplore share price at least 100% higher, Mr. Rocco Marinacchio would not have dumped the entirety of that tranche of vested GRA.T shares resulting from his NanoXplore insiders allowed and the facilitated exercising of those NanoXplore options.
Remember that Rocco Marinaccio is most likely the most GREEDY type and do remember that had he even smelled a whiff of a 100% increase in NanoXplore's share price resulting anytime soon, Mr. Rocco Marinaccio would have kept at least half of the GRA.T shares previously vested, as resulting from that suspect and therefore questionable recent options exercise.
I suppose Mr. Marinaccio could know that a massive materially dilutive $150 Million NanoXplore equity offering priced at $2.00 per share would be on it's way and would know that the annihilating impact on the NanoXplore share price resulting from such a massive materially dilutive $150 Million equities issuance would allow him to later purchase, at the open market and with that 500,000.00, an immensely larger tranche of the cheapest priced NanoXplore shares imaginable, $1.21 per GRA.T share or perhaps lower.
That's November 11, 2018 GRA.T share price points Will101.
With all due regard for what little optimism you still retain, I expect like myself you too got it wrong Will101, i.e. NanoXplore management is likely quite confident that they are preparing to dilute the living bejesus out of the respective equity investment valuations of we NanoXplore "minority" equities investors.
Mr. Rocco Marinaccio anfd his recently far too well timed actions may have been representative of NanoXplore management's "tell", so to speak.