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NanoXplore Inc T.GRA

Alternate Symbol(s):  NNXPF

NanoXplore Inc. is a Canada-based graphene company. It is a manufacturer and supplier of high-volume graphene powder for use in transportation and industrial markets. It provides standard and custom graphene-enhanced plastic and composite products to various customers in transportation, packaging, electronics, and other industrial sectors. Its Advanced materials, plastics and composite products segment provides standard and custom graphene-enhanced plastic and composite products to various customers in transportation, packaging, electronics, and other industrial sectors. Its Battery cells segment provides silicon-graphene-enhanced Li-ion battery for the Electric Vehicle and grid storage markets. Its products include GrapheneBlack powder and graphene-enhanced masterbatch pellets using its extrusion capabilities that support various polymers. GrapheneBlack powder is suitable for a range of applications, it is especially useful for improving the properties of plastics and polymers.

TSX:GRA - Post by User

Post by ridethewinnerson Feb 18, 2024 10:46am
Post# 35886603

Enough options

Enough options I am sorry to see the board deteriorate as it has. 
I would strongly recommend anyone who has questions about options 
call the company directly and ask. They will answer all the questions clearly.
And then apologize for the  misinformation that has been posted. 

This company has issues. Volta has been slower to materialize than we all expected.
Some customers refuse to allow their identities to be disclosed.
In a strong market, it has not traded well at all.
Visual capitalist had a great summary recently about the adoption curve of carbon fibre. It took 30 years to become mainstream. Part of the issue here (I think) is that we all expect graphene to be easy to integrate into high volume technical manufacturing processes. 
No other company has come as far as Nano, they are easily the largest, so others are farther behind. If it was easy everyone would do it, but it is not.

The company has hit it's revenue targets each of the last several years. More importantly, they have dropped the cost of manufacture down to roughly even with carbon black. That will, over time, open new markets for them, and make it harder for others to get into the graphene business. 

I would expect by June we will get a better handle on how fast all the pieces will (or will not) fall together. At least the company is running above break even, has many disclosed large customers
including Ford, Pacar, Volvo, Daimler and Caterpillar. Adding more names to the stack is not as important as the getting the revenue. 

I am not a cheerleader for the company, I think they have missed a few key pieces here, but a lot of small companies are not perfect, and I do not understand the business as well as they do. 
I have recently added back  to the position I had, I do trade the stock but not often, and not for a small move. if my stops are triggered I will sell some, but i am not expecting that. (Investors never are ). 
Best of luck

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