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Jimmyvancouver wrote: BCSC are known for being light on stock crime (look into the history of the "Vancouver stock exchange" and ask why it's no longer ;)), but they have become more serious in the last few years. A good example is the thindal brothers who took over reliq put Lisa Crossley in and exploited it for a pump and dump: https://www.bcsc.bc.ca/about/media-room/news-releases/2023/66-bcsc-alleges-46-million-pump-and-dump-scheme-involving-six-lower-mainland-people Their case is April 2, and Lisa crossley is probably up next.
BCSC are known for being light on stock crime (look into the history of the "Vancouver stock exchange" and ask why it's no longer ;)), but they have become more serious in the last few years.
A good example is the thindal brothers who took over reliq put Lisa Crossley in and exploited it for a pump and dump: https://www.bcsc.bc.ca/about/media-room/news-releases/2023/66-bcsc-alleges-46-million-pump-and-dump-scheme-involving-six-lower-mainland-people Their case is April 2, and Lisa crossley is probably up next.
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