Yo Ridgeback:EQX did indeed sell a boatload of IAU in 2023. At December, they owned 46.9M shares per the MD & A. They likely will need to sell more as they have boatloads of debt due in 2024 and 1) cash flow from operations nearly non-existent and 2) ASIC $1,600ish 3) will need to cash up for the Greenstone ramp and 4) already overburdened with debt. That said, if they try to feed the shares into the market, if may have an adverse effect on the proceeds that they need to extract. I will bet that they are shopping the block. The best outcome I can think of is for IAU to buy the shares from the proceeds of the pending JV. Long. I have enough shares for now and am underwater. If this overhang resolves, look out above.