TDMAN29........ LGRN calls you a donkey but.........After all, if you are not qualified to adequately predict what YFIs prospective customers are looking for in terms of a WiFi7 chip from an individual and collective perspective, and furthermore you are not qualified to make a professional assessment of YFIs technological and service offerings from a singular and comparative basis, what information of greater significance can you expound upon to this forum?
You could provide if you so desire a business model template from past tech co.s who have succeeded in bringing to market similar innovative wi-fi chips, in the same time period, and under the same circumstances as YFI found itself since 2016.
Since you are a self apponted C Level status executive there should be no impediments barring you from so. In other words, if YFI has been so mismanaged since UpRamp, explain to this forum not only where they went wrong but exactly what you would have proposed under the same circumstances. Good luck!