WhenNewmont sells it's "investment" in DIAM as it 100% streamlines into teir 1 Gold & Copper ONLY assets-There will be some of the Dunning-Kruger afflicted posters here and over in the Village peeing their pants in shock. *********************************************************************************************. For these perpetual supporters-"Newmont being here" has long been key to their argument that everything is fine and we will one day be filthy rich. *********************************************************************************************. It will be interesting to see how they spin this next catastrophic event. *********************************************************************************************. I suppose we might here from these geniuses that Freddie Mercury's estate will be buying Newmont's DIAM holdings--That's good right?! *********************************************************************************************. I see we are hovering around 8 cents--Something must be up--Not. Keep chasing the dangling carrot and every small occurrence gets justified with "something must be up". *********************************************************************************************. "Another one bites the dust" should be our theme song. It's catchy. *********************************************************************************************. FRANK.