RE:44+ VP's and Senior management ...and still !? Nice of you to create a new ID to let us know that.
This story is very much like BBD, which I also own. They went through many years of pain to finally turn around. CHR survived covid but in the process had to adopt some very painful restructuring initiatives. Prior to this they were a one trick pony totally hamstrung by Air Canada. Does anyone remember the bully Calin Rovinescu?
Of course I'd welcome better results and management is definitely far from perfect. But, the switch to become less dependent on one customer was a long time coming. This initiative is still underway and we can complain about Brookfield but without them there was no way the deal would have materialized. Turnarounds are difficult, my position in BBD is finally green and I bet there's not many out there that can say that. It takes patience, sometimes longer than we would like.
DivHunter2 wrote: This is in a Nose Dive . Terrible 'DEI' company - loosing money everyday ! Thye are hiding large losses I fear . Remember - they cut the DIV ...NEVER to come back . Horrible performance on Q4 , and year end !