The guys best defence and justification of his losing investment in Tilray are false or misleading posts about Curaleaf.
Oh - and that 'stock price is irrelevant'
'free cash flow'? I guess he means instead of the 'expensive cash flow'
Canadian LPs are peers with Canadian LPs - comparing Tilray to US MSOs operating in a different market under different operating conditions is an unsophsticated and irrelevant excercised
Comment by
slottygoddyon Feb 25, 2024 11:25pm 34 Views
Post# 35898374
RE:Cash free flow
with rescheduling, 280E goes away. Overnight Curaleaf is a profitable company. In fact, very profitable.
Good lord, you are show how inexpereinced you are.
Tilray will be continue to decline. a piece of positive news, resulted in the company losing nearly 10% of its value.