RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:I said Paul was just a stupid donkey. Of course - I am NOT of the camp that believes Paul purposefully draggng this out and doing anything "wrong".
I believe him to be ethical and honest --- as WRN goes up ....he makes it goes down he feels the loss.
Even someone with the best intentions --- if they don't have the skill set is not going to succeed. I mean i'd to be a major league pitcher...and even if i try my hardest ---- i'm not going to succeed.
Regardless, congratulations on your timing on WRN and i'm not angry at you. I'm simply saying not everyone is in the same boat....and many of us believe we are trading WAY below where we should be.
Now --- i'm hopeful with clarity on Newmont (Coffee) that they've finally decided to move on...someone else will buy that asset and get it moving. If we have another Casino being discovered in the area...GREAT ...more incentive for more power and grid.