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Antero Resources Corp T.AR

Primary Symbol: AR

Antero Resources Corporation is an independent natural gas and natural gas liquids (NGLs) company. The Company is engaged in the acquisition, development and production of unconventional properties located in the Appalachian Basin in West Virginia and Ohio. The Company targets large, repeatable resource plays where horizontal drilling and advanced fracture stimulation technologies provide the means to economically develop and produce natural gas, NGLs and oil from unconventional formations. The Company operates through three segments: the exploration, development, and production of natural gas, NGLs and oil; marketing of excess firm transportation capacity; and midstream services through its equity method investment in Antero Midstream Corporation (Antero Midstream). The Company holds approximately 515,000 net acres of natural gas, NGLs and oil properties located in the Appalachian Basin, primarily in West Virginia and Ohio.

NYSE:AR - Post by User

Comment by okgonowon Feb 27, 2024 3:26pm
Post# 35902199

RE:It'll turn around with better mining techniques

RE:It'll turn around with better mining techniquesbut also lets give them a little time to optimize the operation we are early days here the baby is not even a year old  but some stockholders expect it to be able to walk talk and go to the bathroom all by itself!

if those were your expectations then you shouldent buy a golminer that is starting a new mine cause thats unrealistic!!

i guess many were upset we made a move down when we finally started the mine that all had to do with the sentiment surrounding the mining industry as a whole!

AR shareholders will have their day its just going to take a little more time. days like yesterday happen more often than not ....and it was exasperated by the unrealistic expectations people have these days with stocks like Nvidia going to the heights they have and the speed they have.

just not how it goes not when you are talking mining anyway!
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