RE:RE:A Big Yawn At Today's NanoXplore Share Price Action.Directvoice,
I put my own NanoXplore share price projections on the table some time ago and then afterwards one of the equities analysts following NanoXplore posted his projected NanoXplore share price going forward, a projection which was not far from my own inital call for a $4.60 handle being placed on the NanoXplore share price.
Obviously, Mr. Rocco Marinaccio wasn't buying such NanoXplore share price projections and elected to cash out $500,000.00 only recently.
With the inside information Mr. Marinaccio is privy to, why would he have cashed out 500,000.00 worth of GRA.T shares (exercised options derived shares) if he thought a greater increase in NanoXplore's share price was nearer to being realized?
That guy pretty much presented as quite intentionally defecating the NanoXplore enterprise bed with his NanoXplore officers and directors allowed options exercise and entire disposition of the vested GRA.T shares leading up to and just before the Q2/2024 financials were publicly disseminated.
If the new NanoXplore share price handle is to be at least CAD$3.00 and we are allowed to somehow shed this seemingly godforsaken $2.00 share price handle, that would be a great beginning towards perhaps retracing upward to at least CAD$4.60.
It could be at minimum CAD$4.60 that yet another $30 Million bought deal equity financing initiative could be undertaken by and on behalf of NanoXplore.
After all, the RBC equities analyst beginning to follow NanoXplore could have indicated for some that a juicy equity offering of some sort was to be made available by and on behalf of NanoXplore for certain highly interested parties/investors also represented by RBC, which is the top dog Canadian chartered bank that could be the co-lead lead underwriter of or perhaps the co-lead bookrunner for the proposed NanoXplore bought deal equities offering.
We note that NanoXplore's Vice-President of Corporate Development, Mr. Pierre-Yves Terrisse, was brought on to also evaluate and pursue M&A activities on behalf of NanoXplore. That most specific intention on the part of NanoXplore is going to require that sufficient capital be raised in order to pursue such indicated intention to perhaps consummate a deal or deals with already selected and worthy M&A targets.
Who knows what is being saped up here at NanoXplore Directvoice?
It could be time to feast or time for another two year long famine, so to speak?