RE:Prophs IQfossi_2002 wrote: Thinking of yourself as more intelligent than others is not a sign of self-confidence but of incredibly stupid arrogance. Nobody on this board is interested in the nonsense you write.
Always remember, fossi, that at $.15 you were the one bashing the deal Ronnie Miller, Dr. Li, and the Board of Directors and Advisory Board unanimously approved with all the information at hand. Ronnie Miller is arguably the most important biotech executive in Canada in the 20 years and he said "we are thrilled with this exciting transaction". He is trained in excellence at the world's largest biotech company. He said "after careful consideration, we believe this is the best way forward". Dr. Li is a world-renound scientist published in the most important scientific journals: New England Journal of Medicine, Nature, The Lancet, Science. Gilles is in the catbird seat inside of AEZS with a key deal being negotiated and a pipeline before human trials. There is no way that you can compete with their collective opinion of this deal or Gilles position actually inside of AEZS. Your arrogance is breathtaking.