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Canadian Natural Resources Ltd T.CNQ

Alternate Symbol(s):  CNQ

Canadian Natural Resources Limited is a senior crude oil and natural gas production company. Its exploration and production segment are focused on North America, in Western Canada, the United Kingdom portion of the North Sea, and Cote d'Ivoire in Offshore Africa. Its Oil Sands Mining and Upgrading segment produces synthetic crude oil through bitumen mining and upgrading operations at Horizon Oil Sands and through its direct and indirect interest in the Athabasca Oil Sands Project (AOSP). Within Western Canada in the Midstream and Refining segment, it maintains certain activities: pipeline operations, an electricity co-generation system, and an investment in the Northwest Redwater Partnership, a general partnership formed to upgrade and refine bitumen in the Province of Alberta. It owns a 70% interest in light crude oil and liquids rich Duvernay assets. It owns 90% of AOSP: the Muskeg River and Jackpine mines, the Scotford Upgrader and the Quest Carbon Capture and Storage facility.

TSX:CNQ - Post by User

Post by PlutusofCreteon Mar 05, 2024 3:40pm
Post# 35916516

Looking to start a position at $91.50

Looking to start a position at $91.50Putting a stink bid in for $91.50 - new to this board - does Team CNQ think I can get it filled over the next few months due to oil volatility. 

What are your thoughts? Do you think I can get it filled?
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