I had to laugh when Andrew dumbell on BNN saidafter SH-tcoin dropped (as it should) what are investors going to do now? LOL Oh you mean GAMBLERS. Lets evaluate shall we ???
Does it have a product or sell a product ? ERRRR NO
Does it have earnings ? ERRRR NO
Is it expected to have future earnings ? ERRRR NO
Is it backed by anything, eg; government, gold ??? HRRRR NO
Ah, it must be a piece of T-RD. Just like Charlie Munger said, you can try to color it, you can try to mask the smell by a strong perfume, but ultimately it still SMELLS and LOOKS like piece of T-RD.
You might say, but it's up huge. Yes, but so were the tulips and the dot coms now wern't they ???
It shows the world, as per stats, which show it is full of poor people about 95% in these markets all trying to make lots of money, and the only thing they know how to do is to GAMBLE, since INVESTING in a stock like IVN, you have to have knowledge, since we DON'T BET on a piece of T-RD, we INVEST IN A REAL COMPANY WITH A PRODUCT WE SELL, WE HAVE ASSETS, EARNINGS AND BIGGER EARNINGS IN THE FUITURE. I KNOW WHERE MY MONEY IS, besides, I don't like the SMELL of the former. LOL