Who is gagnonWell we know that gagnon is running the show at both Czo and Aezs, did you also know that gagnon is currently, the
Chairman at JuventeDC, Inc. (a subsidiary of Ceapro, Inc.) and President for Prodev Pharma, Inc.
Gagnon is also on the board of Innovative Medicines Canada and Member of Institute of Corporate Directors.
First all I wonder what dividend does Ceapro get from JuventeDC or is it just another way for gagnon to increase his value. Secondly the same maybe questioned about Provdev Pharma Inc.?
Finally, there really is no need to question why both Czo and Aezs are so poorly run, gagnon is on the BoD of 5 companies, Ceo of 1 in reality 3 pulls in significant pay from all the sources in board payment and fees and also run a consulting firm.
Maybe if he spent his time focused on 1 than draining the piggy banks of 5 there maybe better results, hey the scale up of the PGX may have been completed on time