TOU buys Bonanza Charlie Lake acreage to the East as wellCheck their new presentation on P10.
Everything Left of the 'n' From Bonanza is new TOU acreage. I have the old presentation as well, just checked it a few days ago (images again on investor village).
Also this picture shows a better picture of the Charlie Lake fairway, which is right at BNE's acreage.
The acreage is pretty much the whole blocks of:
1. R12 and R11, T83 (and a little in R13, T83)
2. Big parts of the whole block of R12, T82 and R11, T82
3. And some parts of R10, T82 + various other small blocks
Around half of the acreage is obscured by the legend on P10 but you can easily match the Grids.
If you can't see it on the small picture in the BNE NR: just click on it, choose the largest picture available and then download it. The grid is crystal clear then.
Exciting gentle(wo)men,