RE:Great news related to our sponsorsPartner: A commercial entity with which another commercial entity has some form of alliance. This relationship may be a contractual, exlusve bond in which both entities commit not to ally with third parties. Alternately it may be a very loose arrangement designd largely to impress customers.....
Sponsor: An individual or organization that pays some or all of the costs involved in staging a sporting (or business) event in return for advertising? Thanks to wikepedia.
Can someone please tell me how the Fort Mckay native group working with Suncor is helpful to Acceleware? If they have a commercial agreement to use Acceleware CTI RF heating Then that would be extremely good news. But if they cant disclose or they dont then it begs many quesitons...Including: why would you announce that AXE requires $5 million dollars of additional funding and not mention the arrangement with Fort Mckay? Why would Fort Mckay and Suncor make this announcement on the same day as AXE makes their bad news announcement.
AXE has been working with the broken down hole components for many months and we have been asked to be patient with them. I am loosing my patience with them. AXE has had months to come up with a plan. $5million at a share price of 10 cents takes the stock into obliviion and the last private placement raise was slow and difficult to raise money. So likely stakeholders will want to loan the money to AXE.. With no revenue this is a disaster in the making.
Recently, AXE announced $3million in CRIN funding and now we need an additional 5 million.
My opinions.... AXE will not get money from the market and if they do it will dilute the stock to oblivion or if it a loan will lead to bankruptcy.
AXE will attempt to get governemnt funding. It is already on life support as a corporate welfare client and Canada will likely fork over $5million because we are a corporate welfare basketcase of a country
Announcing $5 million dollars more funding in such a slow manner and with no other details, is very troubling. What have they been doing for the last 6 months? Is AXE unable to raise this money? Since it has taken so long I am begtining to wonder it this is the case. Especially, since they just announced the CRIN grant.
Howlong ???
an individual or organization that pays some or all of the costs involved in staging a sporting or artistic event in return for advertising: