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Silver Hammer Mining Corp C.HAMR

Alternate Symbol(s):  HAMRF

Silver Hammer Mining Corp. is a junior resource exploration company focused on advancing past-producing high-grade silver projects in the United States. The Company controls 100% of the Silver Strand Mine in the Coeur d'Alene Mining District in Idaho, USA, as well both the Eliza Silver Project and the Silverton Silver Mine in Nevada and the Lacy Gold Project in British Columbia, Canada. Its primary focus is defining and developing silver deposits near past-producing mines that have not been adequately tested. Its portfolio also provides exposure to copper and gold discoveries. The Silver Strand Mine is comprised of 70 claims over a 5.8 km strike length atop the Revett formation. The Silverton Silver Mine is located in East Nevada’s Silver Alley. The Eliza Silver Project is a 5.52 square kilometer (km2) land package, and is located along strike of the Hamilton Mining District. The Lacy Property claim consists of three contiguous mineral claims totaling 590.08 hectares.

CSE:HAMR - Post by User

Post by sdhakaon Mar 08, 2024 5:54pm
Post# 35923776

Historically, silver has outperformed gold

Historically, silver has outperformed gold
Historically, silver has outperformed gold in declining rate environments, making it an attractive investment opportunity. 
We examine past instances where the Fed lowered rates and how silver prices soared, surpassing gold's performance. With gold projected to reach $2,230 per ounce, we predict silver could hit $30/oz, given the historical Gold to Silver ratio.
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