RE:RE:I had to laugh when Andrew dumbell on BNN saidYah and PINK ELEPHANTS FLY and they said Anna Nicole married for love. LOL
They can buy ALL THE GARBAGE THEY WANT, personally, I will stick with buying companies with REAL ASSETS in them and not someones wet dream. You can go to the casino and make millions IF you are right and LUCKY, WITH SH-T COIN, ALL YOU ARE BUYING IS A DIGITAL ALGORITHMIC CALCULATION, WITH NOTHING AT ALL BEHINDS IT'S CRAZILY INFLATED PRICE. I couldn't care less what BlackRock does, but I would rather listen to people who MAKE COMMON SENSE like Charlie Munger and Warrenn, WHICH 99% LIKE YOU ARE SADLY LACKING by reading your post. You knock yourself out and buy all you can handle. Some, just lack ACTUAL REALITY as to what things are worth or should be worth, and in the case here, that SH-TCOIN is worth ZERO, even if more and more of the GREATER FOOLS KEEP BIDDING IT UP, UNTIL one day, the house of cards will CRASH WITH A BIG THUD and a LOT OF BROKE PEOPLE.