TLRYYou have to wonder with so much short volume on TLRY Tilray Brands, the hedge funds would pay troll accounts. Think about it why else would they here day in day out? Tax reform, Germany, and our growth in the USA terrifies them. They use every tactic in the book and as you can see from previous engagement with them a few pages back, TLRY Tilray brands facts always comes ahead. By 7 wallstreet analysts TLRY is rated a buy. Curaleaf has same breakeven date with practically the same profit margin as TLRY by conservative estimates on the same website they share here. TLRY has the same gross profit margins as Curaleaf just wait until we fully compete with our far cheaper cost to grow. The shorts come here on Sundays have posts removed but never long for me This post was previously removed for violating our community policy for off topic content, but upon further review, we believe it should remain on site. We have made the post visible to everyone in the community. Optional Moderator Feedback: reinstating post