The three sub-composites (massive sulphide, gabbro, and peridotite) were used to prepare one master composite for metallurgical testing.
Initially the three sub-composites representing different zones in the mine plan were stage crushed to ¾”.
Splits samples were taken as back-up and stored for future testwork. The remaining three
sub-composites were combined based on the instruction from the client. The ratio of the sub-composites used to prepare the master composite were 80%, 15%, and 5% for peridotite, gabbro, and massive sulphide. This master composite sample was then processed further for sample characterization and metallurgical testing.
The master composite was first riffled to prepare material for Bond ball mill work index test and Abrasion index test. All remaining master composite material was crushed to minus 10 mesh and split into 2 kg test charges. A portion of one of the 2 kg test charges was removed for composite characterization.
Later in the program, 120 kg material was received and a High Nickel Composite was prepared. The ratioof the sub-composites used to prepare the High Nickel Composite were 70%, 13%, and 17% for peridotite, gabbro, and massive sulphide. The high nickel composite material was then crushed to minus 10 mesh and split into 2 kg test charges.
Pretty Simple
3 ore geologies - peridotite the greater % - all 3 geologies combined to make master.
Issue ?
Seeking only sulphides
If one reviews the assay charts on pages 9 - 10
There are 2 kinds of nickels
NiS = Nickel Sulphide
N = Other Nickel
Sulphide ores
- Sulphide metallics
- silicate Nickel ss ( yes, sulphides contain silicates even Mg upto 14% in the sulphides )
Peridotite Ores ( peri, dunite, olivine )
- Sulphide metallics
- silicate Nickel ss ( 2012 report assumes solid solution )
Let's role play sulphide extraction
Extract just the sulphides
What would remain ?
Solid solution nickel in silicate sulphies
Solid solution nickel in peridotite silcates
Now review pages 9 - 10
See what i see ?
Total nickel would include both kinds.
What was overlooked ?
High chloride values.... minerals converting to chlorides.
If sulphuric acid was used in forward yr met test - open circuit - soften ores
would the acid not bond to the solution minerals ?
Just Sulphide Ores
Look at the dual nickels in the sulphide assays pages 9 - 10
again, high ( other nickel values )
Now pull forward 2023 PFS
Page 262 of 439
1B = ug mine zone - look how much waste tonne vs ore tonnage
Look at the other zones 2, 3 look at the amount of waste tonnage.
Now... remind oneself of - silicate, soltion nickel.
Over 1.7 billion tonnes ( 2023 pfs )
lots of waste ores... but are they waste ?
how much solution nickel in entire ore body ?
How about 2015 PEA
Page 175 of 342
Provides the grades of 4 exotics to each
ore geolgy and provides % increase of PG's + Exotics.
That tells me = they know how much exotics they have and how exotics
increase the EQ AVG all the more.
Grade - 0.095% Ni grade + 4 exotics ( 4E ) = 19% increase in PGM's
Grade - 0.40 - 0.60 Ni grade + 4 exotics ( 4E ) 12 - 13% increase in PGM
Higher nickel grade = exotic % increase dropped.
Are exotics realative to higher Ni grades ?
Yet... Page 174 - 2015 PEA
reveals higher exotics in, Gabbro - specific ore relation
17% exotic PGM increase associated to = Peridotites
There's a few more irks..
But what's the sense in pointing them out ?
Yup, would love it if 2014 crew came back onscene,
picked up where they handed off.