LABS and South America (Brazil): are cannabinoid basedpharmaceuticals effective against avian bird flu in humans?>>>>>Because avian bird flu has transferred to mammals and is spreading in South America to the point that USDA is now concerned.
Article in New York Post....where some publishers still publish what matters most.
That has the very real potential of collapsing the global food chain and when you add to that CWD in deer also with the capability of spreading to more so called intelligent mammals called humans.
That is what it is like living within imperfection BUT if you know 'how' to see through your eyes of existing Life, there are remnants of what is was like in Perfetion π.
It's going to be a difficult Lesson of Teaching π and it's those lessons you won't forget.
side note: The function of the exising state of 'universe' is to isolate and remedy 'emotional viruses'.
for thought: I raise a colony of intelligent life, call them humans so you can relate, on another Planet but they are raised into believing it is okay to kill other intelligent life on other Planets and the humans on the colony raised that way now escape and set up their colonies on other Planets thinking it is okay to exterminate Life. That is an 'emotional virus'.
Anything look familiar of that example on how intelligent Life lives on Earth?
And so when enjoying the morning coffee with my companion Athea in the kitchen, I say to Athea, history repeating itself of the past that ended Perfection π, or sometimes when afflicted with PTSD because of my existence on this Planet, I merely reflect in my words the following, same sh** different day.