Friday ExpectationsI am expecting a very positive financial report coming off the holiday season, the only negative point I saw from any analyst on HITI's last report was he found the margins below to low. In my opinion the analyst was not up to speed on the HITI's strategy and was simply crunching numbers with little to no context behind them. Raj mentioned in a interview (I think it was TDR) that he could raise prices to improve margins at any time, rather, he prefers to keep the price point low to squeeze out the noise in the retail market. HITI has a very bright future and I think Raj has a lot of options in front of him, including interest from larger LP/MSO that are very interested in scooping HITI up. For myself, HITI is a ticking rocket launch waiting on just the right catalyst. I'm not sitting on the sideline waiting for that to happen, it will be to hard to jump in on the Venture when we have lift off. JMHO, do your own DD and play within your limits!