Program Execution For the 4 Akcakoca Platform Wells in Q1 On September 25, 2023, Trillion announced its SASB production guidance for the completion of five new wells and one recompletion completed for the work program ending August 2023. Trillion reiterates this guidance, save and except by pushing the program three months forward, due to receiving pumps, some of which require remanufacture of well heads to install. Well heads have been ordered and first deliveries are expected in February 2024.
To address the water loading issue, the Company enlisted the expertise of the third-party engineering firm GLJ last November, 2023. The ensuing comprehensive report highlighting actionable items for the execution of artificial lift and was delivered in December 2023. The Company has now put in motion ordering pumps, wellheads, new well tubing and the like.
Thus, Trillion’s issued production guidance remains steadfast at 7,547 mcf/d before royalties (15.4 MMCF/d 100% Gross interest to lease) for the initial six wells for the 2024 year, with the program execution occurring over the course of the next few months, starting with the four Akcakoca platform wells in Q1 and then the two tripod wells in early Q2.
Moreover, the Company anticipates fitting two or three additional legacy wells with pumps by Q2 for a total of eight + producing wells. Two of the added wells were initially part of the sidetrack program, however, to save cost, are now slated as recompletions instead of new sidetrack drilling. Production from these wells is in addition to the six wells and is not included in the above production estimates.