RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Psych and argonautgoldOk--
Intuition is a form of knowledge that appears in consciousness without obvious deliberation. It is not magical but rather a faculty in which hunches are generated by the unconscious mind rapidly sifting through past experience and cumulative knowledge. Often referred to as “gut feelings,” intuition tends to arise holistically and quickly, without awareness of the underlying mental processing of information. Scientists have repeatedly demonstrated how information can register on the brain without conscious awareness and positively influence decision-making and other behavior.
Did you consider as I said before when this first came up, my gut feeling retort, that it might have been aimed at a certain individual who appears to believe that mountains of information effectively obscure other significant factors not so rosy as the mountains of information are meant to imply---imply that all is well if we only abide by his thesis; and as the above cut and paste states, gut feelings are, after due diligence is completed, the last sensation before we click buy or sell. IMO