Thebomber2023 wrote: We see what's going on every day. When market manipulators decide to trigger stop losses to get quick gains.
they have been picking up shares at will and then dumping them at higher levels consistently... a couple of portfolio managers had warned me it would happen , A Caisse guy told me we won't be holding any shares any time soon (for many years) , he would be trading so I dabbled too, I must admit , after all money is money right ?... some days I would put in sell orders and price would drop lower but my shares wouldn't sell then other days I would put in buys and wouldn't get filled or partially filled ...big volumes of shares for sale then wooopps all dried up ... how does that happen ? freaken idea but it's there ... took some good profits in "22 when I bought my toy and now my next toy is built and will on its way , should get here in April ..I will be selling a few shares then but my core will remain in my RRSP , those shares will wait to earn a dividend :) OR I could change my mind and sell everything if the market takes a dump .. or I will buy more ;) 1 guy said from Motleyfool in Washington ... " we are little guppies , so don't go chasing sharks " ... GLTA