RE:Experienced Noblehouse very noble of you to protect your friend especially since the two of you share investments in FTN and possibly other Split share corps.
Your friend is not a Suncor shareholder and takes every opportunity he can to run down Suncor as an investment. I think posters could support his posts on this board if he were somewhat supportive of the company he consistently posts.on. The majority of posters on this board would be happy to not see any posts from him.
Most posts he likes to emphasize his 40 years of investment experience and how he's extremely gifted at forward thiinkimg investments.
He especially likes to mention his investment in a private company involved in a new technology producing green power. It may be turn out to be a good or great company . He states the new share offering s are at multiples of the share price he bought in at. I too have bought into new share offerings of a few private oil companies . A couple turned out be great investments and a couple did not work
ou well and definitely ended in the red. I was younger then so it was fine and just learning experiences. Experience is an old guy like me and these new companies end up being long term investments. Just because subsequent share issues are at higher share prices doesn't mean, earlier share issues can be cashed in. You may have to wait years to cash in and maybe that technology is already out of date. Ok for a young investor, but maybe not smart for an old guy.
I bought 1000 SU on Aug 4, 2023 at $41.06. I posted a note shortly after asking for comments on where shareholders could foresee share price after the soon to be released 2nd quarter results.Of course Experience weighed in on how SU was not a worthy investment and share price would only increase with a significant dividend increase and the rest of his usual boasting on his great forward thinking.. He mentioned Suncor's botched attempts to purchase the rest of Fort Hills plant.
Unfortunately his negatively probably influenced potential investors not to invest in Suncor. He posted on the SU board just before 2nd qtr resilts were released which ended up being very positive results (his post was Aug 14, 2023).
Now we know the rest of the story. The share price is now $49 so a 19.3% return plus another 3.8% dividend for a total return of 23% as of today. How many potential investors lost out because of his negative post.
Private company with likely challenges liquidating when investor wants his cash back or a 23% return in less than 9 months?