Largo (NYSE:LGO) PT Lowered to US$4.60 by HC Wainwright US$4.60 is in the same range as Largo’s book value
Largo (NYSE:LGO - Get Free Report) had its price objective reduced by stock analysts at HC Wainwright from $9.00 to $4.60 in a research note issued to investors on Monday, Benzinga reports. The brokerage presently has a "buy" rating on the stock. HC Wainwright's price target would suggest a potential upside of 191.14% from the company's current price.
Largo Stock Performance
NYSE LGO opened at $1.58 on Monday. The company's 50 day simple moving average is $1.92 and its two-hundred day simple moving average is $2.28. Largo has a 1 year low of $1.50 and a 1 year high of $5.44. The stock has a market capitalization of $101.20 million, a PE ratio of -3.10 and a beta of 1.76. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.22, a current ratio of 2.97 and a quick ratio of 1.62.
Institutional Investors Weigh In On Largo
Several hedge funds and other institutional investors have recently added to or reduced their stakes in LGO. Toronto Dominion Bank bought a new position in shares of Largo in the 3rd quarter worth about $36,000. Sprott Inc. bought a new position in shares of Largo during the third quarter valued at approximately $59,000. Stonehage Fleming Financial Services Holdings Ltd purchased a new position in shares of Largo during the third quarter valued at approximately $99,000. Credit Suisse AG boosted its position in shares of Largo by 22.8% in the 2nd quarter. Credit Suisse AG now owns 35,527 shares of the company's stock worth $242,000 after purchasing an additional 6,599 shares in the last quarter. Finally, Goldman Sachs Group Inc. grew its stake in shares of Largo by 17.1% in the 2nd quarter. Goldman Sachs Group Inc. now owns 33,064 shares of the company's stock worth $226,000 after buying an additional 4,837 shares during the last quarter. 64.08% of the stock is owned by hedge funds and other institutional investors.