RE:10,000 flushes, rollback paper, flowthrough, rinse, repeatHuh? I'd bet if insiders didn't buy shares you'd be screaming bloody blue murder. And if everyone involved insisted on emptying the treasury of all cash rather than take worthless useless stock in VanadiumCorpse you'd be apoplectic. This is a prime example of why management and directors should never read bullboards or take instruction from retail schmucks like us. And by the way, anyone paid in paper has to pay income tax on it. No matter if a whole roll of it is of no use for even a clean up. No matter how many flushes. There are no "tax free" shares issued to anyone. You're confused about flow through shares maybe. There are no tax deductions to "flow through" unless the company spends an equivalent amount on eligible exploration expenditures. Fat cat insiders "consulting" fees or financing fees don't qualify. Just cash put into the ground. "Corpse" is a good analogy though, I'll give you that.