RE:WhoRio Nuton does not hav a permit.. looking @ a couple years..
Buff @ NCI stated the mine work force will B stabilized at 350 people.. miners work 7/7 and return home to famlies..
Buff on Mar 6th gave an interview w the Elko Daily Press.. the article is behind a paid subscription so I will not copy paste the author.
Bassicly.. buff stated the mine would B operated for 17 years.. capacity @ 5000 tpd.. drill results had not identified new zones past 17 years..
buff then clarified the Open Pitt. Basically: there is a large amount of material that must B removed B4 reaching the ore..
AND – NCI would need a new mill
the above statements were te approval and agreements w/n the NCI BOD that NCI would B operated for the life of the mine..