RE:.17 Gorilladome47,
It just doesn't matter anymore.
I suspect you are going to have to realize, as would I, that NGC won't be around for long.
This company is seemingly now beyond the beginning of it's end.
Alas, "no money is no funny mister" Hugues Jacquemin.
Just keep selling NGC assets in order to purchase worth less IP license and some "non-commercially viable" and 10 year old mere potential candidate battery materials coating additive product and also some "white elephant" and financial drain of a battery R&D division from Heraeus Group.
I suspect anybody who would be in any way interested in NGC and any of it's remaining unencumbered assets would likely much rather take a reserved position as an NGC creditor and scoop up all the remaining assets during a court approved and court appointed monitor overseen CCAA process.
Alas, it doesn't seem that anything short of an Act of God can lead to the NGC.V share price being "non-artificially" (i.e. in any way other than an NGC.V equities consolidation) moved up to $0.55 once again.
This recently hired market maker has little to nothing at all in the way of tangible deliverables to actually work with and "the street" knows it.
Somehow, I don't doubt that this market maker and/or the various employed minions could seek to take the share price lower for longer (perhaps $0.12 to $0.10); therein triggering a constant and greater wave of NGC.V equities investors capitulation.
Lac des Illes is the only sometimes operating graphite mine in North America.
"The street" is telling NGC officers and directors such a incessantly repeated and now made to be useless fact being coupled with the necessary CAD$1.50 could buy you a smaller cup of coffee at Tim Hortons; nothing else.
It doesn't matter whether "The Missionaies On Assignment", a.k.a. Hugues Jacquemin et al, stay or are fired.
At this stage it's seemingly all done and we are merely waiting for the fat lady to sing, so to speak.
We sent our respective capital off to die a slow death here with Northern Graphite Corporation Goriladome47.
Just accept it and act accordingly.