The Sinclair Cesium Mine History!Pioneer Resources discovered 7500 tons of cesium at the Sinclair Mine in 2016 and this is a quote from the President of Pioneer. "We announced our first drill hole just over two years ago and the phones started ringing from Europe and America," he said. The initial cost to setup the mine came in at $4,800,000. They mined the entire 7500 tons with a bulldozer and a truck at a depth of roughly 50 meters. The Pollucite was dug up then put onto a shaker and shipped. From there the Pollucite was sent via truck to a port put on a ship to Canada then loaded from that ship to land and sent via rail to Manitoba. The shipping costs were actually far higher than the mining costs. The latest pricing I could find suggested that in Canadian Dollar terms an ounce of cesium is now worth just under $2400. I don't believe the market has absorbed just how valuable a mineable deposit of cesium would be and the ease in which a favorable offtake agreement could be reached. Let's hope that this is just the start of the market awakening to the real value of a cesium deposit. GLTA