I am annoyed :)I was going to post about a new process that is using copper to replace silver in
solar cell production but then everyone probably knows this already.
What does it have to do with Hecla well nothing really except it a mining story so feel free to skio the post... :)
Some days our neighbors up North get it right. :)
While doing some research on Keno Hill Camp I thought I would share this as a diversion.
https://www.travelalaska.com/Destinations/Cities-Towns/Kennicott-McCarthy I have thought for a long time that the Keno Hill Camp could have emulated this and more (with Parks Canada support it would have been amazing) AND with an active mine that included tours. And for great fun offer the the tourists a trip on the Calumet to Elsa gravity ore tram line, would be a blast… Just kidding. Though it was srtill cabled over the main road in 65.
Its like a time capsule now with the little thats left. A few years back I laughed when I saw the "Post Office" (Elsa Store) strewn with lots of CRA income tax letters strewn on the floor that had arrived in 89 just as people where abandoning the camp with two weeks notice...
But if your still interested in the copper story -